Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi pengalaman membuat paper craft. Ya saya juga masih dalam tahap belajar karena baru pertama kali membuat paper craft, tapi langsung saya jatuhkan pilihan untuk membuat salah satu icon disney yaitu "dusty planes" dalam paper craft pertama saya. Berikut tutorialnya :

Shape the edges of the fuselage (part 1) into smoothly curved before applying the glue. Add engine hood with air intake (part 3) on top the nose. Attach the cockpit / Dusty head (part 13) in place. Add small cap on Dusty's forehead (part 14), curved the cap first before adding it.

Add both engine exhaust pipes (part 20) on the side Dusty's nose. Shape the fuselage bottom curved (part 6) before attaching to the main fuselage. Add antenna (part 2) in place.
On page 4 in the template there are 3 parts on the bottom of that page, they are wing's spars, layer them with cardboard. Place them in place like the picture above, make sure they are centered. Place the vertical stabilizer in place. When fold the vertical stabilizer make sure you shape the part so there is a pocket of air, just don't fold it flat, but make it hollow like airfoil shape.
Assembly both wing parts set, part 19,8,10 = left wing and part 18, 9, 7 = right wing. Attach wings in place.
Insert 3 blades (part 31) into 3 holes on the spinner (part 5) and then fuse them together with part 28.
Add front landing gears (part 32,33 and 24). Rear landing gear (part 25, and 27). Flaps (part 15 and 16). Tail wing suspender (part 4).
Finally, complete the model with attaching spraying system (part 11,12,17 and 34).
Dan ini hasil dari Paper Craft yang saya rangkai sendiri. Cukup rumit dalam proses pembuatannya tapi percayalah sangat mengasyikan dan memiliki kepuasan tersendiri jika sudah selesai dalam pengerjaan paper craft ini! So guys, let's try to make it!
Iya sekian dari postingan blog saya kali ini, semoga bermanfaat.
Kalian bisa mendownload template "dusty planes" disini : DOWNLOAD
Password document (.pdf) :
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